Wind Power and Market design

L’Université Paris Sud (GRJM) a organisé, avec le soutien du LARSEN et de R2DS, un workshop sur le thème “Wind Power and market design”, qui s’est tenu les 6-7 juin 2008.

Programme, contributions

Programme préliminaire

Présentations des intervenants :

P-E. Morthorst (Riso, Danemark). The impact of wind power on the spot market price in the Nordpool area [slides]

Smeers Y. (Core, Louvain), Ehrenmann A. (Electrabel). Assessing the impact of uncertain wind penetration on investments in generation capacities in a competitive market [paper]

Stoft S., Lesieutre B. (Winsconsin University). Scaling-up wind farms. System costs and benefits of wind farms [slides]

Usaola J. (Unversidad Carlos III Madrid), Hiroux C., Saguan M. (GRJM, Uni. Paris Sud). Wind power in electricity: time for revisiting market rules ? [slides]

Vandezande L., Meeus L. (Leuven University), Well-functioning cross-border balancing markets as a prerequisite for wind power integration [slides]

Weber C. (Duisburg University). Variability and unpredictability of wind energy as challenges for European system and market operation [slides]

Soder L., Cenetno-Lopez E., Ackermann T. (KTH, Stockholm). Grid connection rules for wind power in five countries with high ambitions concerning amount of wind power in the power system [slides]

Trotignon M. (EDF). Major wind power issues from an industrial point of view. [Slides]

Waes M. (Electrabel). Major wind power issues [slides]

Rivier (Iberdrola). Iberdrola Iberdrola’s experience in market participation of wind parks


Roques F. (IEA), Hiroux C., Saguan M. (GRJM, Uni. Paris Sud). Portfolio analysis for wind power investment [slides]

Green R., Vasilakos N. (Birmingham Uni.). Market behavior with large amounts of intermittent generation [slides]

Neuhoff K. (Cambridge U.), Towney P. (European University Institute). Wind power and market power in competitive markets [slides]

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