Workshop LARSEN and EDF R&D
Competition and Integration of European Gas Markets
Friday 9th april 2010
The seminar was focussed on two topics: How gas markets in Europe develop ? And how to make gas markets more efficient and for this purpose more integrated ? The aim of this seminar was to: a) Discuss results of research concerning gas markets, in particular imperfect competition on gas markets, from an analytical, methodological and predictive perspective. b) Discuss regulatory changes to make the European gas market more efficient in terms of security of supply and competition. c) Integrate the evolution of the regional and world gas markets (LNG trends, non conventional gas emergence) in the analysis of competition development and gas security issue.
Programme [slides[pdf]]
Session 1: Gas markets outlook and strategies of market players in Europe. Chaired by Jacques De JONG
Mid term and long-term outlook for the European gas market: the impact of the emergence of a LNG market and non conventional gas production. By Anne Sophie CORBEAU, IEA [slides[pdf]]
Russia’s gas strategy towards the European Union, By Catherine LOCATELLI , LEPII, Grenoble University [slides[pdf]].
Should we maintain long-term contracts and price indexation on oil products? By Jonathan STERN, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies [slides[pdf]]
Roundtable: What will be the main strategic adaptations of gas firms to market improvements and demand reduction? Chaired by Jacques De JONG, Dominique VENET (VP EDF Gas Division), A-S. CORBEAU, Catherine LOCATELLI, J. STERN
Session 2. The effects of imperfect competition on the European market (and the world market): How modelling can help? Chaired by Dominique FINON
Imperfect Models of Imperfect Competition in EU Gas Markets: Great Potential, Great Shortcomings by Ben HOBBS, Professor, John Hopkins University and Senior research associate EPRG, Cambridge University [slides[pdf]]
Cooperation among LNG suppliers: Is Rationalization the Sole Objective? by Olivier MASSOL, IFP [slides[pdf]]
Economising on seasonal storage: which rule works best? By Anna CRETI, Professor, Nanterre University and Senior research fellow, CECO, Polytechnique [slides[pdf]]
Gas release : how to weaken incumbent suppliers without strengthening foreign producers? By Laure DURAND-VIEL, Université Paris-Dauphine, CREST-LEI and Corinne CHATON, EDF [slides[pdf]]
Session 3. Policies for improving energy security and competition in Europe.
Regulatory framework and investment in gas transmission: Towards a new EU regulation as a response to the need for more market integration. By Jacques de JONG, Clingendael [slides[pdf]]
The limits of the EU direct foreign gas policy : lessons from the Southern Corridor policy , By Dominique FINON, Larsen & CIRED-Cnrs [slides[pdf]]
A Market Between Us: Reducing the Political Cost of Europe’s Dependence on Russian Gas by Market Integration and Solidarity, By Pierre NOEL (EPRG Cambridge University & European Council on Foreign Relations) [slides[pdf]]
Round table: European gas reforms and policies. Chaired by Dominique Finon. Jacques DE JONG (Clingendael), Pierre NOEL (EPRG Cambridge), Benoit ESNAULT (Commission de regulation de l’énergie), Fabrice NOILHAN (EDF Gas Division) , Jonathan Stern (Oxford Institute of Energy Studies).